A Selection of past and future events
Future Events
Parenthesis Spring Concert 2025
Saturday April 5th at the Abbey School, Reading
Program includes:
- Michael Haydn: Tantum Ergo, Requiem Solemne
- Franz Schubert: Salve Regina, Mass in G
Conductor: Gerard Lim
Past Events
Autumn Concert 2024
Conductor: Tristan Weymes
Guest Pianist: Jason Tang

Our Musical Director Richard Harker is on paternity leave, so we are delighted to welcome Tristan Weymes as guest conductor.
Tristan graduated with Distinction and DipRAM from the Royal Academy of Music’s prestigious Choral Conducting MA course, studying under Patrick Russill, where he earned the Thomas Armstrong Award, and a Regency award for all-round excellent studentship during his time there. Prior to this, he graduated from Trinity College, Oxford University, in 2021, where he conducted Trinity College Chapel Choir, the Oxford University Chorus, and the Turl Street Arts Festival Orchestra. In 2024, he placed 2nd in the ‘Magister Inside’ International Choral Conducting Competition (Arezzo, Italy), and won the ‘Special Prize from the Choir’ in the final of the 2024 ‘Gheorghe Dima’ International Conducting Competition (Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
Summer Concert 2024

A joint concert of Parenthesis and La Stephanelle was held in The Abbey School, Thursday 11th July at 7pm.
Programme included:
Mass Breve, Theodor Dubois
International choral selection including Italian, French, Korean, Corsican, Welsh, Ukrainian, Italian, Hebrew pieces and some Rodgers and Hart songs
Free Entry: Donations to Médecins Sans Frontières
Parenthesis Spring Concert 2024

Spring concert 2023.
Duruflé Requiem – This is built upon chant melodies taken from the Gregorian Requiem Mass. It is dedicated to the memory of his father.
Poulenc Gloria – The Gloria is a setting of the Roman Catholic Gloria in excelsis Deo text, one of his most celebrated works.
Lotti Crucifixus- The programme is completed by Antonio Lotti’s famous 8 part setting of the text Crucifixus est pro nobis (he was crucified for us).
Christmas Concert 10th December 2023 Caversham Heights Methodist Church Ralph Vaughn Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols

Sunday 16th july 2023 - a summer garland
A large and appreciative audience came to the Abbey School for a relaxing evening of music including English folk songs and many other well known pieces. The programme included old favourites such as My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean, Early One Morning, Loch Lomond and Oh No, John! Composers ranged from Purcell to Warlock with many different arrangements of well known songs. (Click the picture for a sample)
Sunday 26th March 2023 - 30th Anniversary Concert
Accompanied by a professional orchestra and soloists, Parenthesis presented their 30th
anniversary concert in the Abbey School.

Sunday 11th December 2022 - Parenthesis Carol Concert
A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten, with many other pieces and audience carols
There was a full House at the Abbey School with free entry for Under 18’s
Drinks and mince pies were enjoyed during the interval
France 2022
We visited our friends in La Stephanelle, our twinned choir from St Etienne de Crossey in South France.
9th april 2022 - reading town concert hall
We joined five other choirs to celebrate the life of Gwyn Arch. It was a truly wonderful evening. More photos and videos are available on the Concert website at:
2nd april 2022 - reading town concert hall
Together with South Chiltern Coral Society and the Reading Symphony Orchestra we performed Gabriel Faure’s Requiem and Debussy La Mer.
12th December 2021 - Abbey school
Vivaldi’s Gloria, Durante’s Magnificat and a selection of Christmas Carols.
Selection Here
26th June 2021 - abbey school
Haydn – Missa Brevis No 7 and other short pieces, including Mozart – Ave Verum Coprus & Laudate Dominum, Franck – Panis Angelicus, Mendelssohn – Verleih uns Frieden (an absolute delight of German romanticism) & Hear my Prayer. Sublime music to celebrate being back together.
5th September 2020
The day we started to sing again, Oh Happy Day!
After a lot of hard work, encouragement and wholehearted cooperation from our wonderful hosts – The Abbey School, we will take a gentle breath and quietly sing together for the first time in nearly six months. It will be different, all spaced out and reduced in numbers but it will be very special – Enjoy!